Calming Your Mind During COVID-19 Part I

April 17, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

As we go through this COVID-19 pandemic, it can often be hard to calm your mind. It is scary to watch this virus tear through our lives not knowing what life will look like on the other side of this. One thing that helps calm my anxiety is being by the water. It could be a lake, river, pond or my personal favorite, the ocean. Being by the water is food for my soul.

Since we can't all be by the water right now, I thought I would put together some of my favorite photos of water that I have taken over the years. It is my hope that, by just looking at pictures of the water, I can help at least one person calm their mind.

I have decided to start a series of blogs that contain images that make you feel good, induce calmness and maybe even put a smile on your face.

Stay tuned for more to come.

I wish you all good health, the ability to calm your mind, and continued happiness.





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